Name: Reagan Byers
Position: Photography Team
When I am not in my classes, I like to fill my free time with activities to keep me occupied throughout the day. I am not one that can sit and do nothing I have to constantly have plans to fulfill my days. I usually do this by working. Two other college students and I just opened up a new Real Estate group here in Tuscaloosa which is a new and exciting adventure I am looking forward to. My main role is being the Marketing Director for the group along with transaction aspects as well. When I am not working, I am hanging out with my friends, going on walks outside, and occasionally working out. I also love to binge watch Tv series on all the various streaming services that are out there.
I am excited to be a part of Mosaic as it will very informative and insightful. I am on the photography team for this semester, and have the privilege of being one of the two photo editors and have already loved every minute of it. I have owned my own camera since I was 16 years old but have never sat down to actually learn how to use it. Not only am I eager to learn more about how my camera works and all the settings that I can use, I think it will be very interesting capturing different events that take place among our campus. Being able to know how to use and take professional looking photos will be something that will be useful after my education has ended. My family are huge travelers so I am hoping I can use the skills I learn this semester into one of our next family vacations together!