Name: Brenna Gallagher
Position: Design Team
My name is Brenna Gallagher, and I am currently a junior at the University of Alabama. I am a declared double major in Marketing and Management with a concentration in Human Resources. Coming to this conclusion of double majoring has been a very fulfilling journey as I feel as if I have chosen majors that will not only bring me success within the business world but will also fulfill my creative and extroverted personality. I love working and interacting with people, I have always been this way, and I was delighted to learn that there are multiple opportunities within my intended majors. Additionally, I loved the many classes that the honors college had to offer for my creative nature. It is my second year participating in the Mosaic program on the design team, and I have taken the more philosophical UH classes, like Art for Life’s Sake and Life as a Scholar.
In terms of my non-academic interests, I have always loved giving back to my community. I voluntarily transferred to a Catholic high school my sophomore year not solely for the religious aspect but in hopes of gaining more opportunities to give back to a different community. I then was a part of my school’s honors religion society where we would organize all services done by the school. I was also a part of a Justice Worx program where I traveled to places like Trenton, New Jersey, Inner city Philadelphia, and the Appalachian Mountain Region in West Virginia. The Appalachian Mountain Region was my most memorable trip. In addition, I worked with Habitat for Humanity’s fantastic program and helped build a home for a paraplegic veteran and his family. I love designing stories for Mosaic because I get to read different perspectives on things that happen within the UA and Tuscaloosa communities. I am very excited about what this year has to offer!
I am also from a small immediate family, and we are all very close. I have one brother, and we are the only grandkids on my mom’s side of the family, so we are all very tight-knit and always will be!