Name: Sutton Shelmire
Position: Design Team
Hi, My name is Sutton Shelmire and I am a senior here at the University of Alabama. I am from
Dallas, Texas and am a marketing major and part of the UA honors college looking to further my
academic career through this Mosaic class. I have very limited experience with any type of
magazine production but am always willing to learn new skills, programs, and other digital
literacy knowledge that is becoming such a powerful force in today’s modern age.
Speaking of the new digital age my generation is growing up with and adapting to encompases
on of my biggest interests in life, cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. This is a major,
minor, or even a course that most universities, including UA, do not even offer… yet. I see this
as an integral part of our world’s new digital transition and am a part of what is available through
a student-led cryptocurrency club that meets regularly to discuss and share knowledge about a
common interest.
I am not sure what the future holds, and have very little idea of where I may be five years from
now but do know that my thirst for knowledge and personal drive will take me somewhere
interesting where I can continue to learn and grow as a person.