Exercise Physiology Club

The UA Exercise Physiology Club is a service organization whose mission is to encourage health and wellness within the University of Alabama community. Any student interested in Exercise Science has the opportunity to join this club; it is specifically beneficial to Exercise Science and Kinesiology majors. This club aims to assist students professionally by bringing in guest speakers as well as hosting resume-building workshops. Additionally, each year this club attends the American College of Sports Medicine conference. This experience allows students to network with professionals in the Sports Medicine field as well as learn about current and completed research projects. 

The UA Exercise Physiology Club meets every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. on zoom or in Lloyd. For more information regarding this club please reach out to uaexphys@gmail.com

Organization Email: uaexphys@gmail.com

Organization Meeting Time and Location: The third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. over zoom or in Lloyd.