Name: Emma Coons
Position: Website Editor
Hello there! My name is Emma Coons and this year I am more than excited to be MOSAIC’s Website Editor! MOSAIC is such an exciting and almost undercover organization here at UA, and I am so happy I took the chance to join. Last semester I was on the website team and absolutely loved it, so I cannot wait to see what this semester holds.
A big thing when you meet me is I am definitely going to ask if you like basketball, because, well, I LOVE basketball. It’s the best sport ever! I am from Memphis, TN, which some may describe as “Hoop City,” but I call it home. In Memphis we all love our NBA team the Grizzlies, and maybe you have only ever thought about the Grizzlies as the team your team is playing and you think you are going to beat, but to me they are so much more. They exemplify the community the city of Memphis is based around. Memphis is such a vastly diverse area that it is hard to think we could all convene on a common interest, but the Grizzlies provide that for our city.
My future career goal is to hopefully go into sports broadcasting and later in the future some kind of creative sports cinema such as sports documentaries. I find the “story of the game” way more interesting than the specific plays or statistics, although often those do tie into the story of the game. I work for Crimson Tide Productions, and we describe the way we tell the “story of the game” as “getting the story to the bar crowd.” You have to present the information and statistics in graphics so everyone watching that cannot hear the commentators still knows what is going on.
In a little more detail about me, I am a sophomore majoring in News Media with a Sports Concentration and minoring in Creative Writing and Management. I not only work at Crimson Tide Productions, but also catch me teaching DAZE classes at the Student Recreation Center every Friday from 3:30-4:15! Every since I was in middle school I have been oddly into Zumba and Dance Fitness, so once I was 18 I went and got my Group Fitness Certification with the American Fitness and Athletic Association! I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine, That 70s Show, New Girl, and I do love some good trashy reality television. Every Monday night my apartment hosts a Bachelor watch party-everybody’s welcome! Come on down! Another passion of mine is plants! Or more particularly succulents, because they are much easier to care for. I have around 25 real and fake tiny plants all over my apartment, and seeing them each morning brings me so much joy. Another fun fact about me-I’m always talking about my joy! What brings me joy, how much joy I have, and when my joy is coming out. I am so excited for this semester in MOSAIC because I know it is going to bring me so much joy!