Name: John Merrit Sallinger
Position: Photography Team
Hello all! My name is John Meritt Sallinger, and I am a senior here at the University of Alabama. I study Finance and Economics and after completing my undergrad I am considering attending law school. My goals in life are to work for a hedge fund or investment bank, particularly in the real estate or mergers and acquisitions sectors, and one day own a ranch to raise cattle and cutting horses on. I am from Fort Worth, Texas and take great pride as a Dallas Cowboys fan, even though they break my heart every year.
Currently I work at a local law firm, Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson, and Fowler LLP, as a runner. This job has given me great insight into what a future career path could look like. Working part time while in school has taught me valuable life skills like proper time management, keeping an organized schedule, and balancing a work and personal life.
In my free time I enjoy watching movies with friends, my favorite being a yearly binge of every Star Wars movie. I am also an avid fisherman, going to the lake with my friends anytime that the weather will permit.
This is my first-time doing Mosaic and I am excited to be a part of the team. I am working as a photographer, which is something I look forward to because I have always wanted to learn how to properly use a camera and edit photos. I hope to take some great pictures for you.