Name: Cara Mabry
Position: Photography Team
Hi everyone! My name is Caradine Mabry but I just go by Cara. I am from Nashville, Tennessee but I grew up coming down to Alabama to visit family a lot. My grandparents lived here along with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins right down the road. I have the fondest memories of playing in my grandparents yard so Alabama has always held a special place in my heart. My mom and dad attended the University of Alabama and my brother is a senior here. Although they all went here, I was never pressured by them to choose this school but in the end it was what felt right for me!
During high school, I began to find my voice. I learned to express my viewpoints in class, engage with others in lively discussions, and speak up when I saw something that was wrong. I want to continue to grow my confidence in these areas and gain the interpersonal skills and academic knowledge I will need to pursue my chosen major of News Media. I want to get involved in the College of Communication and Information Sciences, take on projects that I might have never considered before, and get to know my professors. I am newly a part of the Kappa Delta sorority and have already made various connections through my time being a member of this chapter. I hope to make many new friends, have new experiences, and of course, cheer on the Crimson Tide to another national championship!