Name: Leah Jones
Position: Editor / Editorial Team
Hi, my name is Leah Jones and I am excited to be the editor of Mosaic magazine this semester. I’m a senior here at UA majoring in news media and minoring in psychology. Since high school I have enjoyed writing and now after completing three years of college, that enjoyment has expanded into a passion. Writing is my outlet to tell important stories and bring light to topics I am passionate about.
I am also currently the writing editor of UA’s Black student magazine called 1956 Magazine. I have found working in multiple student media publications to be so valuable because of the experience and opportunities I have gotten. I’m looking forward to improving more and learning new things with the team this semester.
My other favorite things to do are singing and writing music. I’ve done this my whole life with my twin sister, who also attends UA, and my passion for it has also only grown stronger. I believe this passion for creating music and art is a part of the reason I really like my major. News Media is so broad and offers jobs where you have the opportunity to show creativity. And I think it is because of my love for music that I have a drive to be more creative when writing stories as well. Basically, whether it’s a news article or a song, I love to write.