Name: Sam Breaux
Position: Photography Team
Hey guys! My name is Sam Breaux and I’m from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I am currently a senior at the University of Alabama and will graduate in May this year. I am majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Last year, I TAed three Honors Photo I courses with Chip Cooper and this year I am TAing his only Photo II class as well as one Photo I class. For the past three years, I have been working with Bancorp South in their Commercial Construction Insurance Division and I plan on moving back to Baton Rouge to work full time there after graduation.
My free time is usually split between spending time with friends/family and art. I love photography, painting, and music (listening to and making). I am planning on having art eventually becoming a stream of income alongside my job and not just a hobby. I love traveling and getting to meet new people and explore new places. After college, I plan on taking a few months off before starting work and traveling as much as I can to places like Hawaii and Canada (if Covid allows). I also enjoy planning and going on trips with my friends (we just went snowboarding in Sugar Mountain, NC, and have a few more trips planned out for this semester). Keeping up with and spending time just talking with my family and friends is also important to me; I don’t like to constantly have my schedule packed with plans, I need some off time to just relax and not have anything to do.
I am on the photography team for Mosaic because I’ve been doing photography for years now but have not ventured into shooting photos for stories or for magazines. I feel like this is a field I can learn a lot in and can grow as a photographer and storyteller. I am excited to be on this team and see the work we finish this semester with!