Name: Samantha Moon
Position: Photography Team
I’m Samantha, and I am from Helena, AL. As I am finishing up my undergraduate years at UA, I am excited to be a part of the Spring 2021 MOSAIC staff. I am a senior majoring in mathematics with a concentration in statistics and optimization, along with a minor in actuarial science. I am currently on the path to becoming an actuary, but I am still figuring out my career goals.
I came to UA in the Fall of 2017 and I wasn’t sure of what I wanted to do or study, but eventually I decided that math was the way to go for me. I enjoy numbers and I find math and science to be easier for me than language and history, so I chose a field that I could excel in while also challenging myself enough. While my life as a math major might sound boring, I also love being creative, and I have always enjoyed arts and crafts and making things with my hands. I like lettering and making jewelry, as I find that it’s a good way for me to relax during the week in the midst of stressful schedules, etc. I have been interested in photography for a while, and I’ve taken a course before. However, I am still at a beginner-level and this semester my goal is to gain a valuable skill set so that I can make photography a hobby of mine in the future!
Throughout my time here at UA, I have been involved in multiple organizations, and I am currently serving as a board member for the Alabama Insurance Society. My academic success has always been important to me, so oftentimes I would spend nights in the library or in cafes studying, but I also make sure I have time to enjoy my days outside of classes. For fun, I enjoy watching movies and YouTube, listening to music, baking, and occasionally reading a good book. I also love to travel, and a couple of years ago I had the opportunity to study abroad in Glasgow, Scotland. I travelled around Europe, which sparked my interest in photography as I wanted to capture the fun memories I had and take pictures of all the beautiful places I visited during the semester.
Since the pandemic really hit last March, I have been a little less motivated to be productive, but during this time I have learned to adapt to the new norm which includes taking care of my new dog, online courses, and sometimes going out for a breath of fresh air. And while we are still faced with COVID-19, I am looking forward to this semester and being able to gain a new experience in the midst of a strange time in our lives. I am excited to contribute to the stories that MOSAIC staff will be covering during my last semester at The Capstone.