Will Barham
Journal Entry #1 / The beginning of a Journey: The Fellowship of the Ring
I would have to say the beginning movie of this legendary trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring, is my favorite. I believe the beginning of a story, the setup, build up, or what have you is one of the most important aspects. It dictates how the story will go and also has to prepare one’s audience for what is to come. This movie introduces to our main characters, Frodo, Sam, and Gandalf, throws us into this fantasy world, and introduces an already developing story that we can’t help but falling in love with right from the minute they leave the shire. It also ends with Frodo and Sam atop a mountain eyeing Mordor in the distance.
This scene culminates the “beginning” of this trilogy by revealing the remaining journey ahead. I believe this movie relates to the journey we are about to embark on, particularly this current moment of it. We are at the very beginning. Packing up our bags, finalizing flight details, and preparing for the beginning of this once in a life time experience. We are all a little scared and nervous of what is to come, just like Sam and Frodo, but yet we are exhilarated for a journey and experience we know nothing about. We will all meet up, quite like the fellowship did, and get on our flights and journey across the sea. We will arrive and stand atop our own version of “the mountain” looking out at the three weeks ahead of us and all the trials and tribulations we will experience. We are our own version of The Fellowship and we are all ready to embark on this journey together.