The Art Issue Spring 2023 cover

The Art Issue Spring 2023 Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
To be honest, when I signed up for this class I fully did not know what Mosaic was all about. I assumed it was a physical art class, so imagine my surprise when I asked Dr. Latta if I needed an art kit and he told me what Mosaic actually consisted of. Immediately, I fell in love with this class, a place where kids from all walks of life can come together to ex-press ourselves–it sounded like a dream come true.
To honor the importance of expression in today’s society, I decided for this edition will be all about art. Art can come in many shapes, sizes, and forms just like people. If you look around on campus every single person, place, or thing is a work of art and we wanted to celebrate that. This class is a place for mainly academically driven students who may not have a chance to experiment with different mediums and ways to express themselves. Every member of Mosaic has a different major and a different passion, yet we all use this as a platform to be who we truly are. Chemistry majors get to write the stories, the engineer can take photographs, and me a brand strategist gets to run this magazine. This cover represents every amazing member of Mosaic. We all came together for a singular cause while still being uniquely ourselves. I love it. I am so proud of this team and every hardship we have faced this semester. From losing everything in our database in the middle of the semester, to possibly going over budget on a picture frame (go look for our painting in Honors Hall), this team has expressed excellent resilience, and I love each and every member.
Experiential learning has given me this class, and I cannot imagine my life on campus without Mosaic. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you enjoy this edition and take a look at life differently.
Be kind, be the light, be undeniably YOU.
Grace Murphy