Mosaic is the award-winning magazine of the Honors College of The University of Alabama. This website is our online edition, open to a variety of styles and approaches and continually updated with new stories. When Mosaic began, two high-end print editions were published each academic year, one by the Fall class and one by the Spring class. Those editions are archived on this website. Now each issue is digitally produced.
Mosaic is edited, written, designed, photographed, and produced by UA Honors College students from all disciplines, majors, and years. Faculty and staff members are advisors to the student staff. The Mosaic model is founded on writers, photographers, designers, and editors working hand in hand on each phase of the story process to create a comprehensive, seamless and superior work.
Mosaic is a registered, structured class that provides three hours of fine arts credit within the Honors College. Mosaic classes range from expert lectures to a creative cacophony of teams of students working on stories (we are, to say the least, a lively group). In all classes there are two core objectives. One is to examine, explore, explain, and be involved in the life and work of the college—academic, social, cultural, and on and off campus—as engaged storytellers. The other is to provide a broad, deep, and contemporary multimedia experience to our students because whatever their future may be, multimedia expertise can be of significant value.
We are constantly evolving. We see ourselves as an experimental magazine in many ways. We do the mainstream work of magazines, but we are also always looking to find imaginative and sometimes daring ways to bring something new to the classroom because magazines are struggling in the commercial marketplace and we think experimenting is a way to help find a sustainable model in this modern digital climate. We are not afraid to try new things. Sometimes our ideas work out beautifully and some, well, failure is always an option if you risk enough. And through risk and failure comes learning.
Welcome to the magazine of The University of Alabama Honors College.