Here's how UA Honors Students keep up with their #FitWitBaily Martin
As an ambassador for Capstone Men and Women, a member of the Blackburn Institute, SGA Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences, and president of her Greek organization, you could say Baily Martin is one honors student with a lot on her plate. She enjoys taking advantage of the courses the Honors College has to offer, noting one of her favorite courses as the Citizenship, Lead, Serve course.
With so much involvement comes so little time. How does Baily find her balance?
Although she notes struggling with so many obligations, Baily believes that being healthy is attainable with discipline and perseverance. She emphasizes the importance of staying active, saying “Living a healthy lifestyle is not only important to a fit body, but also a keen mind. If you do not take time to take care of yourself, you cannot achieve anything.”
“Running has always been a part of my life because I ran track and cross country all throughout high school. It was not until I went to college, however, that I realized the true power of running. It gives me time to reflect and can transform a bad day into a good one. I am able to take the time to review my goals for the day, and it motivates me to make healthier choices as the day progresses.”
Baily dreams of running a full 26.2 miles in her very first marathon, and says she will continue to lead up to that day by running more half-marathons. As of now, Baily plans on running the St. Jude Memphis Marathon as her first full marathon in December of 2018.